Healing and Empowerment for Survivors

Welcome to Manifest HERstory! I created this space for those of us ready to turn our experiences of childhood abuse into a source of strength and empowerment. Here, we dive into real, raw conversations about healing and manifesting the life we truly deserve. Through shared stories, empowering resources, and our community forum, we will support each other in rewriting our narratives. This journey is about tapping into our inner strength, embracing our past, and transforming it into our power. I’m here to walk this path with you, filled with courage, understanding, and a whole lot of badassery. Let’s start this empowering journey together.

Behind the Scenes: HERstory today

Monday, Jan 22nd

I had to get up extra early this morning to do a medical run (I’m an independent medical courier) from the airport to the warehouse I deliver from. But then I arrived home just after my kids had gone to school. They were out all last week due to snow. Parents, you know how hard it is to get any kind of work done when your kids are home?

Just dropping in to share a little update on what I’ve been up to. I’m fully immersed in growing our Manifest HERstory community. I’ve also been busy creating new content that I hope will resonate with each of you.

In addition, I’m super thrilled to let you know that I’m working on a ‘Limiting Beliefs’ resource. It’s designed to help us recognize and break free from those nagging doubts and fears that hold us back. I can’t wait to make it available to you all soon.

Hey there,

I’m Stephanie

If you’re wondering whether we’d get along, here’s a bit about who I am:

  • 25 Years of Love: Celebrating 25 years of love and partnership with my wonderful husband. Navigating life’s ups and downs together, our marriage is a source of strength and resilience.
  • Parenting Journey: Mom of two amazing teenagers, navigating the joys and challenges of parenthood. (adoptive journey)
  • True Crime Enthusiast: I have a guilty pleasure – I can’t get enough of true crime podcasts and could fall asleep to Dateline any night.
  • 420 Friendly & Sober Advocate: I’m proudly 420 friendly and celebrating over 13 years of sobriety from alcohol since the tender age of 12. I believe in supporting each other’s journeys without judgment.
  • Humor & Sarcasm Aficionado: I wield humor and sarcasm as my armor. If you do the same, you’re my people.
  • Wanderlust Dreamer: My dream vacation involves hitting the road in an Airstream with my family, visiting loved ones across the country, and hitting several music festivals along the way! Currently, I satisfy my wanderlust as a medical courier and occasional Amazon Flex driver.
  • Music Lover: I have an eclectic taste in music, but lately, I’m obsessed with Noah Kahan. Feel free to share your latest musical discoveries with me!
  • ADHD Warrior: Balancing life with ADHD can be a wild ride, even with medication. I navigate the challenges while embracing the quirks.
  • Domestic Struggles: (ADHD Related) Keeping a tidy house and making or eating meals aren’t exactly my strong suits. However, I’m on a manifestation journey to brave the kitchen and keep a clean home – if not for myself, then to even the workload at home.

Join me in this space as we explore personal growth, share stories, and navigate the beautiful chaos of life. I can’t wait to connect with like-minded souls and build a supportive community. Cheers to embracing the messy, imperfect, and utterly beautiful journey together!

“Alone, we can do so little; Together, we can do so much.“

Helen Keller

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